Archive for the ‘Google’ Category

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HTTP Binding for Mobile Google Talk – version 0.1

This is an extension of the existing Open Source project MGTalk. It is a J2ME Jabber client that supports some specific Google Talk features. Since many mobile operators do not allow plain socket connections (which is the standard binding for XMPP), the original MGTalk client will not work in their networks. Therefore I added support for the HTTP Binding (JEP 124), so that it should work on any HTTP enabled network.

The HTTP Binding code will eventually be included in the original MGTalk project. However, the plan is to continue this as a separate project with the aim to provide a more Google Talk like interface and provide more Google specific features.


For more details check out the project on Google Code:

Get the .jar and .jad files of the HTTP Binding enabled MGTalk here:

…and yes, it works with the O2 WAP Flat 😉