o2 WAP Flat Patcher – version 0.1

The o2 WAP Flat Patcher is a Java program which “patches” J2ME applications for the o2 WAP flatrate. What it actually does is adding the required User-Agent and X-WAP-Profile header (see previous posts) to the application. You don’t need the application’s sourcecode, and it doesn’t matter whether the J2ME app has been obfuscated or not – the WAP Flat Patcher takes care of the magic. It uses the bytecode engineering technique I described previously.

o2 WAP Flat Patcher o2 WAP Flat Patcher o2 WAP Flat Patcher

In order to run it, you need to have Java 1.4 or higher and Sun’s Java Wireless Toolkit installed.

Specify the Java and WTK directory, then pick your J2ME application (preferably the .jad file, but you can specify the .jar file also if there is no .jad) and hit the “Start” button. The WAP Flat Patcher will then do the ‘magic’ and the J2ME app should work with the o2 WAP Flat afterwards. I would be glad to hear some feedback if it worked for you.

Either get the sources from Google code and build it yourself, or download the binary release as an executable jar.

It should fix any J2ME application that communicates via HTTP. Here’s a list of applications that have I have successfully tested with:

UPDATE: more “patchable” applications reported by users:

4 comments so far

  1. m-gage on

    list of applications that have I have unsuccessfully tested with:

    -mobber: http://mobber.gryf.info
    -Colibry: http://violonix.jabber.ru

  2. Hans on

    Just for your notice.
    Your Code is not longer available on code.g**gle.com
    Just get
    Your client does not have permission to get URL /p/o2-wapflat-patcher/ from this server.
    Can you put this to a different site?

  3. Marc on

    I too would like to get access to the o2-wapflat-patcher. It doesn’t seem to exist on G**gle anymore. How can I get access to it?

  4. gerry on

    Do you still have the patcher available somewhere? I can’t see to find it anywhere.

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